friday check-in

Happy Friday guys!

What is up?  How are you?

I hope you had an awesome week.

So I was thinking about a post I wrote a while ago, suggesting that we take a minute on the 1st and 2nd of every month to pray for those in need.  I’m thinking it would be a good idea to do it on the 1st and 15th of every month instead.  No real good reason for this change, but still… What do you think?  Let’s try it!

Let us know how you’re doing, in the comments below!




friday check-in and road trips

Hi there!

How are you doing? How was your week?

I’m on my way to Florida for New Year’s eve.  It’s about a 7 hour drive from where I live.

Anyone else hate road trips?  My butt hurts.  Last year I drove 15 hours to and from New York. Never again.

I’ll stop whining now.

What are your plans?

I hope you have a fabulous holiday weekend.



have yourself a merry little christmas


How you doin’?  How was your week?

I’m so looking forward to Christmas!  I’ll be spending it with my boyfriend and his mom.  The plan is to get take-out food and watch Christmas movies.  They have a tradition of going to a midnight mass on Christmas Eve and then going to a diner, so we’ll also be doing that.

Then, I’ll be heading to Florida on the 29th.  I’m meeting my sister, her hubby, and my niece and nephew there, who will be visiting from New York.  I haven’t seen them since last Christmas so I can’t wait!

Do you have any special plans for the upcoming holidays?

Wishing you and your loved ones love, peace and prosperity in all areas of your life.






Happy Monday guys!

I know, my title doesn’t exactly spell ‘happy’, but I’m feeling sassy because PMS.

Speaking of PMS, this may not be the most easy to read post.  I have a serious case scatter brain right now.

Okay, so, can we talk about pet-peeves?

Today a coworker of mine joked about one of my biggest pet-peeves, being told to “Smile”.  When someone tells me to “Smile”, it really makes me want to kick them in the face, but I don’t because I’m not trying to get arrested.

It goes something like this:  I’m minding my own business or concentrating on something, and Mr. Sunshine decides that my face needs to be fixed, and commands that I  “Smile!”.  The command is accompanied with a subtle annoyance.  How dare I?

You see, I have what they call Resting Bitch Face (RBF).  This means that when my face is at rest, I look like I hate life.  Those of us with RBF look pissed off, incredibly indifferent, or very sad. We can’t help it.  I’ve honestly tried to be conscious of it in the past, by plastering a half smile/smirk on my face, but just ended up exhausted and looking creepy.   Most important, I realized that I shouldn’t have to change how I look or appear simply because some people may take it the wrong way.  Also, what in the world gives anyone the right to tell someone else what they should do with their face?  This is especially annoying when it comes from a man.  I’m so tired of the expectation (of some) that never seems to die: women must be nice and smile at all times.  I understand this is not a conscious thought for most people, but it’s still unfair and offensive.  Women are allowed to have negative emotions and look upset/homicidal.  This is aside from the fact that people don’t owe you jack, and that includes a smile.


If you suffer from RBF, do you get annoyed when people chirp “Smile!”?

What’s one of your biggest pet-peeves?





friday check-in

Hi guys!

Happy Fridayyyyyy!

How are you?  I hope you’re doing very well.

I’m doing fantastic thank God.  I’m off work already and at my boyfriend’s.

In a bit we’ll be diving into a smoked Gouda cheese dip that I got from the supermarket (Kroger made, if you live near one).  It’s sooooo good.  I’ve become addicted to it, ever since a coworker brought some in on Tuesday.

Tomorrow I’m attending a graduation celebration.  Other than that, not much else going on this weekend.

Are you traveling anywhere for Christmas and New Year’s?  And of course, let us know about your week and weekend plans, in the comments below!




I read this quote the other day on Instagram and it really struck me.  I’d typed out about a paragraph of thoughts, related to this quote, but decided to delete them.

Maybe I’ll share more on another post, but for now I’d rather not cloud your impressions upon reading it with my interpretation and ramblings.

Happy Monday and an even happier rest of the week.



friday check-in

Happy Friday guys!

Welcome back to our Friday check-in.  How was your week?  Any special plans for this weekend?

I’m so excited because it’s SNOWING!  I live in Georgia so this is a big deal, people. Oh, and I got to leave work early.  LOL.  People here freak out over a few flurries.  Supermarkets are a war zone, and multiply your commute time by 20.  Da South.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

Let’s chat in the comments, below!



the skeleton in your closet

Happy Monday friends!

We all have secrets.  Stories, mistakes, words we wish we could undo.  Sometimes these secrets are are so dark, they steal our joy and peace, and convince us that there’s no way out.  That you’ve gone too far and no one can help you.  You’re in too deep.  You’ll simply have to find a way to live with this secret, if you’re lucky that is.  Because sometimes the darkness threatens to take over anything and everything that is good in your life.

And so everyday, you live in fear; you’re terrified by the thought of someone discovering that skeleton in your closet.  You’re afraid you’ll make things worse if you tell someone, and so you hide in guilt and shame.  It’s even possible that, you don’t feel guilty or ashamed, which becomes a nightmare in itself.  You ask, What’s wrong with me?  Shouldn’t I be feeling really bad, like any normal person would?   I’m not normal.  There’s something very wrong with me.

What skeleton(s) is hiding in your closet?  I don’t intend to solve your problem entirely through this post, but I’d like to suggest something that I believe will take some of the weight off your shoulders, and allow light and healing into your life.  Whatever the secret, however shameful, twisted and complicated, make the decision to tell someone about.  Just one person you trust.  You may end up pleasantly surprised and realize that this thing isn’t really that big of a deal after all.  But even if that doesn’t end up being the case, you will still feel better.  I know it’s terrifying to share it, but trust me, if you tell someone who loves you unconditionally and has your best interet in mind, you’ll with you’d done it sooner.  I’m tempted to give you a guarantee, that you won’t regret sharing it, because I’m that certain that only good will come out of you sharing this burden with someone else.

Guilt and shame thrive in secrecy and darkness.  They not only amplify how you perceive the issue, but hinder you getting help and moving forward.  So please, text, call, or pull aside your best-friend, girlfriend, mother, therapist, whomever you truly trust, and speak out.  We were made to help carry each other’s burdens.  Let someone help you.  This is all in your mind right now.  There’s no light shining on it, no voice confessing it.  Fear tells you to keep it there.  It’s safer if it stays there.  Don’t burden someone else with it.  This is too dark.  It’s too much.  Keep it to yourself.

You may already know that fear has good intentions.  It tells you that is just wants to keep you safe.  Don’t do anything stupid.  I’m trying to protect you.  Don’t you want to survive?  The thing is, you’re not mean to simply survive.  In its duty to keep you safe, fear is also isolating you.  It’s not only keeping the bears away, it’s also keeping you in the woods.  It has paralyzed you, kept you hidden, and convinced you that it is better to stay in the woods, than to run for help.

I know that place you’re in right now.  Did someone hurt you?  Did you hurt someone?  The only way to let the light in is by sharing that story.  You’re brave and you can do it.  It doesn’t matter who you are or what you’ve done, you don’t have to walk alone.




friday check-in

Happy Friday guys!

How was your week?  I’d love for you to share with us anything that’s on your mind.  Whether that something is stressing you, or causing you to walk around with a permanent grin.

I had a busy week at work.  Some personal things happened that hurt like a motherfucker and kinda sorta make you dread the day ahead.  Bonus:  PMS is making its monthly round.  Such is life.  It’s beautiful but shit will hit the fan sometimes, like it or not.  Remind yourself that you’re okay and that nothing lasts forever.  Light and joy are still with you, and sooner or later you’ll meet them again.  It may take longer than you’d like, but you’ll re-unite.  So keep hoping and keep it moving.

I’m really looking forward to the weekend.  I don’t really have anything out of the ordinary planned, but am equally excited because that means I’ll be chillin like a villain, getting nothing done.  You know what I mean. Sleeping in, getting way too excited about breakfast, which will probably consist of the ever comforting cup of coffee and sugar loaded pastry that sends you right back to bed, get up at 1PM, and seriously debate whether you’re going to shower or not that day (no.), jump back into bed and spend the rest of the afternoon looking for the perfect movie to watch… one you’ve already watched.

I don’t care what anyone says.  Best day ever.

What will your weekend look like?  My guess is you’ll behave like an actual adult and do the opposite of what I plan to do.  I’m only 31, okay?  Give me a break.

