my blog

Hi Friends,

I hope you’re all having an amazing weekend so far.

First I want to apologize for missing the last two posts.  There’s no good reason.

This is somewhat of an emotional post for me.  For the past few months, I’ve been uninspired to post on this blog.  The truth is, I don’t think blogging is my thing.  I don’t particularly enjoy writing, and I’ve realized that I don’t look forward to posting.

I love connecting with people and helping to bring them hope and peace, but right now a blog is not the medium through which I want to accomplish this.

Maybe down the line I’ll change my mind, but I don’t want to promise that.  I want to focus more on the things that inspire me and less on those that don’t.

My academic career is leading me into a profession where I will be able to provide individual and group counseling.  I’m so looking forward to that day because it is 100% my passion.

Thank you to those who have read my blog and left a comment.  This is my email,  I hope we can continue to connect.

Also, if you’re 18 or older, and ever need someone to talk to, please to not hesitate to contact me at  I will check this email regularly.

Remember, no matter what you’re going through, no matter what your mind and heart are telling you, no matter how convincing or “true” that voice or feeling, there is ALWAYS hope.

God bless you always.



friday check-in

Hey friends, happy Friday!

How was your week?

I had a great one. Busy but good.

So I’m doing my internship at a hospice facility and today I saw and touched a deceased lady. It was so sad and there was something so special about being there with her. She even had what looked like a slight smile.

We spent tonight with my boyfriend’s uncle, who’s visiting from Florida. I love that man!

Tomorrow I volunteer and am going to church.

What are your plans for this weekend?




friday check-in

Hey friends, happy Friday.

Long time no see!  I have no good excuse for why I missed last Friday’s post.  I honestly forgot, and realized this when I was already in bed.

How have you been?

As some of you know, I started graduate school this fall, and that has been keeping me pretty busy.  Today was my first day at my intership site.  I think I’m really going to enjoy it.  It’s a hospice so I know it won’t be easy but I’m still excited about it.

Tomorrow I’ll be going to church, get some homework done, and then work on Sunday.

What are your plans for this weekend?



friday check-in

Hey guys, happy Friday!

How are you? How was your week?

I had a great week. Some car issues but I’m getting it taken care of.

Currently I’m listening to the audio book A People’s History for one of my classes. It’s such a heavy read so listening to it rather than reading is helpful sometimes.

Tomorrow I’m hanging out with some friends and then work on Sunday. I’ll be reading and doing homework in between, of course.

What are your plans for this weekend?



friday! check-in


How are you?  I hope you had an awesome week!

I just finished making some stir-fry for the first time.  I had it over some rice and liked how it came out.  Remember that lasagna I made a couple of weeks ago?  It was delicious if I say so myself.  The boyfriend loved it, too!

Ooh, guess what?  I emailed one of my favorite authors the other day, Pam Grout, and she replied!  I needed some advice on something and she actually REPLIED.  I was so excited and still am.

Well, I’m waiting for the boyfriend to get home from work.  By the way, in case anyone is wondering (since I’m always talking about him), we don’t live together.  I just stay with him on the weekends.

I’d love to hear from you.

Let us know how you’re doing.

And happy Labor day!



friday check-in

Hey guys, happy Friday!

How are you? How was your week?

My week was pretty busy with school. It’s reading galore, holy moly.

I got my hair did today and am feeling like a million bucks. Just getting a blowout makes me feel so much better and put together. Good hair is powerful, isn’t it?

This weekend I work and have homework to do, but I’m also going to fit in some relaxation, of course. I’m looking forward to continuing to watch Parenthood. So good!

What are your plans?

Let’s chat!



friday check-in

Hi friends! Happy Friday!

How are you? How was your week?

Mine went pretty well. It was my first week of classes. So far the curriculum seems pretty rigorous, which I expected.

Oh, I made my boyfriend a dinner of his choice (because he’s the best of the best). He asked for lasagna and it’s my first time making one! It’s in the fridge waiting to be put in the oven. I think it’ll be edible. Pray for me.

By the way, last night we finished Friends. Any recommendations for our next show to watch?

Tell us how you’re doing and what you’re up to!




friday check-in

Hi guys, happy Friday!

How are you? How was your week? I hope it went well.

I’m currently at home doing some cleaning and organizing before heading to my boyfriend’s.

Today was my last day at work before starting grad school on Monday. I cried A LOT. I’m going to miss my coworkers so much. They truly were like family.

Tomorrow I’ll be volunteering and then working at my part-time job on Sunday.

What are you up to? Any fun plans for this weekend?

